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Data Structures

Understanding these data structures is crucial for efficient algorithm design and problem-solving. Each structure has its strengths and ideal use cases.

Quick Reference

Data Structure Insert Delete Search Space Description Important Notes
Array \(O(1)\) or \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Contiguous memory locations Fast access, fixed size (static arrays)
Dynamic Array \(O(1)\) amortized \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Resizable array Occasional \(O(n)\) insert due to resizing
Linked List \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Chain of nodes Efficient insertion/deletion, poor random access
Stack \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) LIFO structure Constant time push/pop operations
Queue \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) FIFO structure Constant time enqueue/dequeue operations
Hash Table \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average \(O(n)\) Key-value pairs Potential \(O(n)\) worst-case for collisions
Min/Max Heap \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Tree-based structure Efficient for priority queues
Binary Search Tree \(O(\log n)\) average \(O(\log n)\) average \(O(\log n)\) average \(O(n)\) Ordered binary tree Potential \(O(n)\) worst-case for unbalanced trees
Red-Black Tree \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(n)\) Self-balancing BST Guaranteed \(O(\log n)\) operations
AVL Tree \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(n)\) Strictly balanced BST More balanced than Red-Black, but costlier updates


  • Pros: Fast access, cache-friendly
  • Cons: Fixed size (for static arrays), expensive insertion/deletion
  • Use when: Fast access is crucial, size is known and fixed

Dynamic Array (e.g., std::vector)

  • Pros: Flexible size, still allows fast access
  • Cons: Occasional costly resizing operations
  • Use when: Size may vary, but random access is still important

Linked List (e.g., std::list)

  • Types: Singly linked, doubly linked, circular
  • Pros: Efficient insertion/deletion, dynamic size
  • Cons: Poor random access, extra memory for pointers
  • Use when: Frequent insertions/deletions, size is unknown or changes frequently

Stack (e.g., std::stack)

  • LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle
  • Operations: push, pop, top
  • Use when: Need to track function calls, undo mechanisms, expression evaluation

Queue (e.g., std::queue)

  • FIFO (First In, First Out) principle
  • Operations: enqueue, dequeue, front
  • Use when: Managing tasks, breadth-first search, buffering

Hash Table (e.g., std::unordered_map)

Also called a hash map, it stores key-value pairs based on the hash value of the key. A clever hashing algorithm can reduce the time complexity of certain problems.

  • Pros: Very fast average-case operations
  • Cons: Potential for collisions, may require resizing
  • Use when: Fast lookups are crucial, keys are hashable

Heap (e.g., std::priority_queue)

A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property. It is commonly used to implement priority queues, a data structure that returns the element with the highest (or lowest) priority.

  • Types: Min-heap, max-heap
  • Pros: Efficient for priority queue operations
  • Cons: Not suitable for searching for arbitrary elements
  • Use when: Need to repeatedly remove the smallest/largest element


A tree is a hierarchical data structure consisting of nodes connected by edges.

Binary Search Tree (BST)

  • Pros: Maintains sorted order, efficient operations when balanced
  • Cons: Can become unbalanced, leading to worst-case \(O(n)\) operations
  • Use when: Need sorted data with fast insertions/deletions

Red-Black Tree

  • Self-balancing BST
  • Pros: Guarantees \(O(\log n)\) operations, less rigid balance than AVL trees
  • Cons: Complex implementation
  • Use when: Need guaranteed performance for a mix of operations

AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis) Tree

  • Strictly balanced BST
  • Pros: More rigidly balanced than Red-Black trees, faster lookups
  • Cons: More rotations during insertion/deletion than Red-Black trees
  • Use when: Lookups are more frequent than insertions/deletions

C++ STL Containers and Common Operations

Container Insert Delete Search Notes
vector \(O(1)\) amortized \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Dynamic array implementation
list \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) \(O(n)\) Doubly linked list
deque \(O(1)\) amortized \(O(n)\) \(O(n)\) Double-ended queue
set \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) Red-Black Tree implementation
multiset \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) Allows duplicates
map \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) Red-Black Tree implementation
unordered_set \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average Hash table implementation
unordered_map \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average \(O(1)\) average Hash table implementation
priority_queue \(O(\log n)\) \(O(\log n)\) \(O(1)\) for max/min Heap implementation
stack \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) N/A Adapter container
queue \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) N/A Adapter container