#include <algorithm> // for std::reverse
#include <cctype> // for std::isupper and std::tolower
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Function to reverse specified words in the sentences
std::vector<std::string> reverseWords(const std::vector<std::string> &sentences,
const std::vector<std::string> &words) {
vector<string> result = sentences;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) {
string &sentence = result[i];
const string &word = words[i];
// Reverse the word
string reversed_word = word;
reverse(reversed_word.begin(), reversed_word.end());
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = sentence.find(word, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
// Replace the word with its reversed version
sentence.replace(pos, word.length(), reversed_word);
pos += reversed_word.length(); // Move past the new substring
return result;
// Function to reverse words and handle capitalization
std::vector<std::string> reverseWordsWithCapitalization(const std::vector<std::string> &sentences,
const std::vector<std::string> &words) {
vector<string> result = sentences;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) {
string &sentence = result[i];
const string &word = words[i];
// Reverse the word
string reversed_word = word;
reverse(reversed_word.begin(), reversed_word.end());
// Create a capitalized version of the word
string capitalized_word = word;
capitalized_word[0] = toupper(capitalized_word[0]);
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = sentence.find(word, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
// Reset the first letter of the reversed word for each occurrence
reversed_word[0] = std::isupper(sentence[pos]) ? std::toupper(reversed_word[0])
: std::tolower(reversed_word[0]);
// Replace the word with its reversed version
sentence.replace(pos, word.length(), reversed_word);
pos += reversed_word.length(); // Move past the new substring
pos = 0;
while ((pos = sentence.find(capitalized_word, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
// Reset the first letter of the reversed word for each occurrence
reversed_word[0] = std::isupper(sentence[pos]) ? std::toupper(reversed_word[0])
: std::tolower(reversed_word[0]);
// Replace the word with its reversed version
sentence.replace(pos, capitalized_word.length(), reversed_word);
pos += reversed_word.length(); // Move past the new substring
return result;
int main() {
// Example sentences and words
vector<string> sentences = {"Hello world", "C++ is fun"};
vector<string> words = {"world", "fun"};
// Call the first function
vector<string> reversed_sentences = reverseWords(sentences, words);
cout << "Reversed words output:\n";
for (const auto &sentence : reversed_sentences) {
cout << sentence << endl;
// Call the second function
vector<string> capitalized_reversed_sentences =
reverseWordsWithCapitalization(sentences, words);
cout << "\nCapitalized reversed words output:\n";
for (const auto &sentence : capitalized_reversed_sentences) {
cout << sentence << endl;
return 0;